These summaries of case decisions are intended for informational purposes only. They are not intended to be interpretations of the law, nor do they encompass the subtleties of each case. Therefore, reference to the original text is indispensable.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mark Juliano & others v. Peter Simpson & another

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts   February 21, 2012

Facts: Defendant invited Plaintiff’s boyfriend, Dunbar, and a few friends for a party at her house while her parents were away. Plaintiff went with Dunbar and they brought beer and rum with them to the party. Dunbar had a few beers and a couple mix drinks. He insisted on driving the plaintiff home after they left the party. The vehicle ran into a utility pole and they both sustained injuries.

Issue #1: Whether or not an underage person who does not provide alcoholic beverage but provide a location to others to consume owes a duty of care to intoxicated guests who are later injured.

No. Violation of G.L.c. 138 § 34 cannot establish social host liability. Unless a social host actually served alcohol or made it available, she could be held liable for injury to third parties caused by the drunk driving of a guest. Only nine state extend social host liability to a host who provided a location for underage drinking. (LP)